Water Pollution


Water pollution

 We are surrounded by a vast body of water. But even then there is a great shortage of water in the world of life. Because, to save lives, we need certain quality water. Scientists have given a lot of time and effort to find this particular quality water source on the surface and in the interior. The quality of water is not the same everywhere in nature and not all water is drinkable. 98% of the world's water is salt water, 2% is ice and only 1% is delicious drinking water.

Another name for water is life. The biological demand for water can be explained by the fact that water is the container of life, carrier, people cannot live without water, etc. There are several major uses of water resources, including food security, human health, and the balance of the environment. As civilization progresses, these water resources are being extracted and used in innovative technologies. People are losing groundwater resources. These water resources are constantly polluting water and waste mixed with toxic chemicals in agriculture and factories.

According to a UN report, 3 out of 5 people in developing countries do not have access to clean water. Water problems are more serious in these countries. Excessive population pressure is known to be the main reason for this. In addition, there is a wide disparity in the use of water resources such as agriculture, various industries, brick kilns, household chores and each sector is dependent on the same source. Unplanned development on it has made this problem multifaceted. Unequal use of water adversely affects water quality and soil moisture, rainfall balance etc.

Developed countries are artificially regenerating, recycling and reutilizing water using sophisticated technology and this recycled water is constantly being used for various household purposes. But poor and developing countries are naturally dependent on the production process, which is putting more pressure on limited water resources.

The geographical name of all the water bodies of the world is Barimandal. It exists in liquid seas, oceans, lakes, rivers and underground deposits in polar regions, in glaciers and snows, in evaporative atmospheres and as soil moisture. The atmosphere covers 61.4 percent of the total surface area. In a total area of ​​36.25 crore sq km, this watershed is used by the people for various purposes such as "collection of supplies, cheap transport and means of transportation, hydropower generation etc."

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