Chemicals that directly or indirectly have a detrimental effect on organisms and objects are called toxins. When all these poisons are applied on the organism, it becomes the cause of death of the organism. The science that studies all these toxins is called poison science. H Theoretical
The use of pesticides in various ways is not only disturbing the balance of the environment. As a result, the wildlife is particularly endangered. They have the greatest direct or indirect effect on human health. In addition to incurable cancers, skin diseases, brain, sexual dysfunction, blindness, anemia, etc. can be affected. However, according to the doctors, the cause of the disease should be identified and remedied rather than treated. Measures should be taken to reduce the use of pesticides freely, indiscriminate use of artificial fertilizers, air and water pollution etc. Universal measures must be taken to reduce environmental pollution. This requires knowledge about environmental pollution and its promotion and dissemination.
Also included are factory fumes, cigarette fumes, vehicle fumes, hydraulic machine fumes, various plastics, mercury, beverages, saccharin, khesari pulse powder, DDT, PCB, lead, chloride. , Water contaminants etc.
Carbon compounds are called organic compounds and the branch of chemistry in which information about carbon compounds is reviewed is called organic chemistry. However, oxides of carbon and their constituents, such as metal carbonates and carbonyls, and some compounds such as cyanide, cyanate, thiocyanate, etc., are discussed in inorganic chemistry. Almost all compounds without carbon atoms are inorganic compounds.
Organic compounds must contain carbon, in addition to one or more other elements. The most important of these are hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, chlorine, etc. (in order).
Origin of the word "organic": vital energy theory and modern doctrines. Substances such as sugar, oil, ghee, butter, sugars, proteins, etc., which are found in plants or animals, were formerly called organic compounds. All compounds obtained from inanimate substances such as sand, minerals, etc., were called inorganic compounds. Organic compounds could not be made in laboratories before 1827, so everyone thought that organic compounds could only be created in the bodies of animals and plants by the effect of a mysterious force. This mysterious force was called the "vital force." Swedish scientist Bargelius is the founder of this doctrine. But scientist Friedrich Wohler prepared the organic compound urea by heating the inorganic compound ammonium cyanate (the pronunciation of W in German is similar to Bengali "V").
Ammonium cyanate urea
This proves that vital energy has no effect on the production of organic compounds. Meanwhile, experiments by the French chemist Lavoisier proved that carbon exists in all organic compounds. There are also other elements. Although there is no fundamental difference between organic and inorganic compounds, due to the unusually high number of organic compounds, separate branches are formed with them.