Soil Pollution


Soil pollution

 Usually to say soil

Chemistry of Lithospher

Refers to the ninth surface of the earth. According to soil scientists, plants know that soft layer of the earth's surface. When a tree grows by absorbing nutrients, it is called soil. Soil Different Types Organic Matters Inorganic Matters, Water and Air C Soil Formation Components and Soil Components The percentage of four ideal soil formation elements. Such as 1. Minerals and inorganics 45%

2. Organic matter: 5%

3. Water 25%

4. Air 425%.

Ramann said, "Soil is a constantly eroding layer on the surface of the earth."

According to Knight (1965), "the soil will be mixed with a variety of minerals, depending on their texture, which may be in the form of large boulders, medium-sized round boulders, pebbles, sand, silt and clay." Usually these ultra-soil particles will contain enough organic matter to produce fertile humus. ”

According to Treshow, "soil is a complex mixture of natural and biological processes, which provides the plant with a firm hold on the surface, water, essential nutrients and oxygen" (Soil is a combination of physical and biological systems providing support. , water, nutrient and oxygen for the plant.) |

According to the Russian scientist Dokuchaev, "soil is a dynamic medium, because soil is constantly changing and is formed by matter." Directly or indirectly we depend on the soil for most of our essential material content. Origin of plants from soil. It is the food source, preservative and source of water for plants. Almost all plants get their nutrition from here. Food for humans and other animals comes from plants that grow in the soil. Plants are the main source of our daily necessities like textiles, furniture, paper, medicine etc. And the main source of life for this plant is soil. But as a result of the growing demand of the population, this soil has deteriorated. Therefore, the people at all levels, public and private, must come forward to prevent the decline.

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