Marine pollution is defined as pollution of the oceans or seas, due to the presence of unwanted substances or pollutants. Most pollutants including chemicals, oil, toxic substances, plastics etc.

Cause of marine pollution i) Rivers receive large amounts of sewage, waste, pesticides, industrial chemicals that end up in the sea. ii) Radioactive waste disposal, oil extraction and oil production at sea also cause marine pollution. iii) A large number of plastic bags thrown into the sea also cause sea pollution. iv) Garbage from container vessels such as gases, chemicals, and sewage also causes sewage pollution. v) Thermal gases are released from the combustion of petrol, dissolving in seawater and making seawater more acidic. vi) Deep marine mines also cause marine pollution. The effect of marine pollution a) Waste disposal, chemicals, marine organisms can cause oxygen depletion. Due to the lack of oxygen, it is difficult to survive in plants and water. b) The release of oil and petroleum products into the sea, may block sunlight used by aquatic plants through photosynthesis. c) Many marine animals and seabirds absorb small amounts of plastic, causing intestinal obstruction and damage to the ovaries. d) When greenhouse gas-like CO2 dissolves, it increases the acidity of the seawater and affects aquatic plants and animals. Marine pollution control rate i) Disposal water must be treated before disposal. ii) Reduce the use of plastic alone. iii) Reduce greenhouse gases using other energy resources. iv) Chemical fertilizer can be replaced with organic fertilizer. v) Proper monitoring of seawater. vi) Various campaigns should be conducted so that